
At PackoPaper, we are committed to sustainability and minimizing our impact on the environment. Our Paper Bubble Wrap packaging solutions are eco-friendly, made from recycled materials and 100% recyclable.

We understand the importance of reducing waste and preserving natural resources, and that is why we prioritize sustainability in every aspect of our operations. By using recycled materials in our manufacturing process, we are able to reduce our carbon footprint and decrease our dependence on virgin materials.

In addition to using recycled materials, our Paper Bubble Wrap products are also 100% recyclable, making them a sustainable choice for our customers. This means that after use, our products can be recycled and turned into new products, reducing waste and conserving resources.

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our products to our operations as well. We have implemented various initiatives to reduce our environmental impact, such as energy-efficient lighting, water conservation measures, and waste reduction programs.

At PackoPaper, we believe that sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a responsibility to our planet and future generations. By choosing our eco-friendly Paper Bubble Wrap products, you can be confident that you are making a sustainable choice for your packaging needs.

We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation in our sustainability efforts, and we invite our customers to join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future. Contact us today to learn more about our eco-friendly Paper Bubble Wrap solutions and how we can help you meet your packaging needs while contributing to a healthier planet.

Our sustainability story

Check out the sustainable power of paper and discover our packaging alternatives to plastics.

The plastic crisis is more urgent than you think

The world produces more than 400 million tons of plastics every year, and only 9% is recycled. People are demanding change, and companies are taking notice.

  • 66% of global consumers say they’re willing to pay more for sustainable goods.
  • 84% of consumers seek out responsible products wherever possible.
  • 81% of consumers believe it’s very important that companies implement programs to improve the environment.
  • 127 out of 192 countries have legislated to regulate the manufacture, sale, use and disposal of single-use plastic.
  • 60+ Countries have introduced bans and levies to curb single-use plastic waste.

A new India-wide strategy on plastics is aiming to achieve a more circular economy. It seeks to address plastic pollution, and to demonstrate the business case for change. The top-level features are:

  • A ban on selected single-use plastic products where there are alternatives.
  • Ambitious recycling targets for all packaging materials. New plastic products must contain at least 50% recycled materials by 2025 and 75% by 2035.
  • Extended manufacturer responsibility: producers of relevant products must share the costs of clean-up, waste management, and awareness campaigns.

Why paper-based protective packaging is more sustainable

Renewable: Paper is one of the most sustainable products, made from renewable resources. It is biodegradable, and trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow. Paper also continues to store carbon throughout its lifetime.

Biodegradable: Biological organisms can break down natural products into basic compounds such as CO2, water, and biomass. For paper, this can take as little as a week to a few months. Other man-made products, as plastics, can take so long to degrade that for all practical purposes they are considered non-biodegradable.

Curbside recyclable: Recycling paper conserves natural resources, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and keeps landfill space available. It also reduces our dependence on oil-based plastics. Paper is the most recycled product in India (above 72%).